What is a Supermentor?

A Supermentor is a 2-year paid healthcare career discovery internship for undergraduates, gap year students, and medical/graduate students who are discovering and navigating their own career paths while guiding other students.

What Do Supermentors Do?

Supermentors provide a large variety of services, including:

  • Maintain an up-to-date profile on the AMP platform and AMPHonors.com website.
  • Consume content that is presented on the site
  • Be available to engage asynchronously with others in the community.
  • Learn how to function as a moderator to post content on the AMP digital platform.
  • Contribute original content as time and interest permit.
  • Participate in biweekly one-hour virtual meetings. These are opportunities to learn more about career planning and exploration and receive information from visiting healthcare professionals who are eager to share their passions and special interests. The meetings also provide opportunities to plan/coordinate administrative tasks.
  • Serve as an ambassador for the AMP Honors Program and be willing to promote the site to students and professionals who could both benefit and contribute to the community.
  • Upon completion of the internship, join the Supermentor Alumni Network which offers support to the current Supermentors as well as other students on the platform.

Why Become a Supermentor?

Supermentors learn, contribute, guide others, and evolve into developed professionals. The position is a flexible, time-efficient, resume building extra-curricular activity. Supermentors are connected to a network of healthcare professionals who can support them on their academic and career journeys.

Become a Supermentor

Join our growing community of Supermentors today. After just a simple click and a little bit of information, someone will get in touch with you.

  • Be an active, contributing member of the AMP community
  • Demonstrate commitment to building the AMP community
  • Have a drive to succeed and help others succeed